Wednesday, November 25, 2009

tOil to 2aM! wEddiNg giFt ~ siOk & zZ

we finally completed our BIG project of customising the wedding gift for siokwei and zhenzhu...toiled till 2am...

dear dear was quite stressed as he says its too mushy to write his thoughts for siok and that his art was not good..

but i could see dear dear's effort in customising each and every notes for them...

because of our toil till 2am, we woke up with nothing but panda eyes...hope the weds to be will like the pressie...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

hEllO kIttY wIntEr dIP!

Today, we were Jurong Point for well as to shop for present for Siok & ZZ's wedding...dear wanted to give them a customised gift! in the end, we settled on buying a heart shaped board and will be doing some writing on it...hope it turn out nice....

before heading home, we went to Eve's shop to try our luck for the Hello Kitty Winter Dip!
Once into the shop, i immediately set my eyes on the hello kitty warmer. It's one of the top prize. Eve told me that there is still one chance for the hello kitty warmer that is still unclaimed. Alternatively, i can buy it as someone else is selling.

i simply love the warmer as i can use it monthly. Coupled with the soft pouch, wow! This is also a fabulous gift for Gerlin as well. She is also looking for a warmer...was supposed to go Taka tonight to source for it but i guess the hello kitty one might be one for her!

i tried my hand on a few dips and here are my gifts!!! 

Monday, November 16, 2009

[Eat] La fOndUe ~ diNNer @ dEmPsEy

Our dinner adventure on 12 nov...LA FONDUE

innocently we landed ourselves in dempsey.. on a thursday night...

we thought might as well explore a new place for dinner rather than forever being at the same old places...

i was told reservations were required for this place...but guess what! we were the first customer... we didnt know what a fondue dinner means and decided to try it out...the waitress was nice and she took time to explain to us the differences between the different type of cheese and the me and dear, it all seems the same...cheese is cheese...and choco is choco...

though there was nobody in the restaurant apart from us and hello kitty, we waited a while for our meal...and while waiting, hello kitty decided to get in the limelight...cos hello kitty was also bored...


and finally the food arrives...i never know salad could taste this nice! i am NEVER a veggie person but trust me every single leaf was left unspared!
next come the cheese fondue...we were advised to take mexican cheese cos apparently the most popular one was too cheesy for locals (as advised by the waitress)...mexican cheese was a bit spicy but in both our opinion,
it was just not cheesy enough....

the meat platter...with the special sauces..and the grilling begins...

we were given 3 options as to how we would want the meat to be done..1st - broth, 2nd - fried, and 3rd - grilled..we chose grilled and this is how it turns out...really different from my expectations...looking at the portion, it was not a surprise that we finished our main course even before our stomach says i m full!
did i mention that one blogger mentioned that he was full by the 2nd course - cheese fondue and advised all diners to skip lunch just to eat there??? * it me or him**

and finally to wrap up the dinner...our desserts...
cookies & cream choco fondue!

this was the disappointing the menu description, it reads dark and white choco with cookies...when the chocolate fondue came, the only traces of white chocolate was the white choco chip which melted away with the heat...

we didnt finished the choco fondue...cos none of us were a chocolate lover..and guess what we did with the leftover choco and a unused plate???

my personal verdict...the food was ok but the price was really not...the dinner cost us a whopping $170...which we did not think was value for money...the experience was ok since none of us have tried fondue dinner before...i seriously doubt the reviews given by those folks at hungrygowhere on this place...was there some conspiracy at work??

mY 1st bLoG

i am on mc today...cos of stomach flu..not again i thought..

the doc says i probably caught the virus when i went to accompany zh's grandma in the A&E on sat night...and i was thinly clad...we were on our way to dinner and just as we exit lornie road, we got a call from my fil and he said that grandma is having vision problem...needs to rush to the hospital..we were told to go immediately...

reached SGH A&E and saw 6th aunt and uncle waiting outside...apparently the inner of A&E is not somewhere that everybody can access...i thought since grandma cant see (she really cant see) she must be feeling lost and so i went in and accompany her...the journey begins..when i went in to the A&E ward, i was looking around for grandma...i remember 6th aunt telling me to look out for #196...and there i saw a fragile old lady croaching on one side of the bed...she must have felt very lost...i went up and spoke to her...she told i was the "me-c" (hokkien word for nurse)..i told her i m zh's wife since i concluded she probably doesnt know my name even if i tell grandma is already 92 years old..

while accompanying zh's grandma, i thought of my own grandma, she has just passed away in march this year due to cancer...i saw the stark  contrast in the both of own grandma doesnt have as big a extended family as compared to zh's grandma...but all of us were at her side whenever she got hospitalised..its was a big affair for all of us..maybe its the family culture and the bond that we have built up over the many years..i remember how we used to spent the sat night and sunday at grandma house...

for zh's grandma, the irony is apart from 6th aunt and uncle who came to the hospital with her (plus the maid), it was me and zh that and ma came over around 9plus...and all of them left leaving grandma with me, zh, 6th aunt and the maid...

we stayed on till 2plus in the wee morning after it was confirmed that grandma has to be admited for further observation...

next day, i was sick...must have pick up the stomach flu virus from the hospital...

and now my blog is up simply cos i have the time to start learning how to set up a blogskin..thanks to the youtube tutorial and my best friend help!

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