Monday, January 31, 2011

Of little fOotprints...jaNuary 2011

 Wow...times really fly!
or should i say ZOOM past?

31 days, 
744 hours, 
44,640 minutes
2,678,400 seconds
(ok, i know this is quite bo liao so stopping here with the countdown...)

Did you realised your January was gone in just a blink of eyes?

I cant believe today is the 31st January 2011.
As usual, i would like to say my thanks and "no-thanks" for all the events that have left a footprint in my life in this special month.

1) UFO catcher @ Prize stage
Trust me, both dear dear and I have become a master in this toy catching machine.
Don't believe?
Please stroll to my previous postings to see how MUCH soft toys we have added just in this month of January!
And my latest addiction?
The small UFO catcher that i thought has been supposedly more difficult all these while.
We went last weekend and i bagged more than 10 toys back!
It's supposedly all my lovely hello kitty, sesame street, and disney!
I really cant tell you how much i love this bunny hello kitty collection!!!

latest members in my toys collection!!!

2) CNY cookies-making-in-process
This year, we decided against buying the standard cny cookies and instead make it ourselves.
Our top favourite (and hence our selection) goes to Pineapple tarts and Mini Pork Floss Popiah roll!

There is a long story to this delicious pineapple tart recipe. All thanks to Yati!
This is the 1st year after grandma incident that we have started baking again!
It was definitely fun doing a family baking session with daddy and mummy!

This project was for my MIL.
She loves it.
But its just strange how the market doesn't sell the pork floss popiah roll!
They only sell shrimp flavored ones.
Can u imagine?
We (dear dear and i) took 3 hours (from 12midnight to 3am) to roll 400 pork floss popiah roll.
Next day, with the help of my lovely parents, we chunked out another 800 pork floss popiah roll in 3 hours!
This is definitely lots of hardwork and hardwork!

Project B (Stage 2 ~ 800 popiah rolls)

3) Half priced movie tickets for the show "Shaolin"
We had the intention to catch this show that weekend, but the tickets were all sold out.
So we hang around at Prize Stage.
Then, these 2 friendly ang-mos spotted us and wanted to pass us a pair of tickets that is starting in 5 minutes time!
We thought it was too good to be true and insisted on paying them but they refused and we insist and with this whole process of offering and refusing, we wasted 5 minutes.
We ended up giving them $10 for the pair of tickets and thus rush to the theatre.
Just when we step in, we realised to our horror:

did u realise what's wrong?
PS: 2 different row!!!

It is one row apart! and by then, it was too late so we just went ahead.

The show is really a good one. 
I love the role played by Andy in the movie. 
And Nicholas Tse was good too. 
A line often said by Andy in the beginning of the show left a strong impression:
 "If you do not take advantage of the situation when you have the upper hand, you will be at the losing end when your rival retaliates."

But, can movies don't always let good guys die in the ending? 

4) 2 hikes done!
Part of our healthy living, we went to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and Tree Top Walk.
More to explore in the subsequent months!

And finally to the people who have taught me a great deal of life expectations:

5) The despicable HIM did the despicable thing AGAIN...SHAMELESSLY!!
"Mr T" played us out again on this wonderful last day in January.
He happily dumped 40plus cartons of bread to us when all he needs to do is to make a tiny space for DC. And given that DC is so thin, removing 10 cartons would be more than sufficient.
And while today is the last day of order taking before the CNY, office and factory was un-usually busy and we cant help out cos we were busy doing delivery cos of despicable HIM!

I am really IMPRESSED!
Impressed by how despicable and shameless ONE can be.
C'mon, if you know you are in the wrong, then kindly shut up your big mouth and blend in to the environment and accept whatever arrangements have been specially done to correct your error.
Don't be so shameless as to still think you are the KING, and do what you like.
What more, don't ever think that by playing such small despicable tricks, you can ever pull it off on us.

Mr T has once again refreshed my memory of how many times they have did it again.
They really don't deserve any sympathy.
Cause they don't even think what they have done is wrong.

6) Ms M ~ the boss of the world

Friday, January 21, 2011

nEw tOys onbOard!!!

this january, these are our catch!


leOpard hellO kittY ~ eXclUsive!!!
oRange elmO
~ havE u nOticEd thaT theRe is a seriEs of cOlOrful rainbOw elmOs?
thIs is tO celebRate sEsame stReet 40th bDay!
rEd & pInk melOdy!
~ haPpy bUnny yEar!
baDtz maRu
~ my faV duRing sCh daYs...
keRo keRo keRo ppi
~ its nOt keRo Po ok?
my janUary addItiOns!! room is running out of storage space soon!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

tRee tOp walk

this is officially our very 1st healthy group gathering as we finally steer away from a "just-food" outing...

the weather started off very good and then halfway through the walk, it drizzle a abit and return back to fine weather again...

by the time we were out from this tree top walk, we were VERY hungry!!! and so, it was a dim sum feast @ swatou restaurant in toa payoh...


arriving @ HSBC TreeTop Walk!

grOup phOto!!!
~ all smiling happily!
the girls...
the guys...
dim sum feast!!!
@ swatou restaurant in tpy

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hiking @ Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

Arriving @ Bt Timah Nature Reserve

Visitor Centre (probably a colonial building)


Pls HORN!!

befOre the hiKe ~

& the time starts nOw..

very stEEP slOpe...
*dO nOt rUn ~ says the signboard!

aPproaching the final leg befOre the sUmmit

tHis waY tO the sUmmit..

sPotted oUr gOod fRiend...

fInally reaching the suMmit..


dO u kNow?

peeping thRough the thick fOrestation..
uS @ reServe!
a kInd uncle took this photo for us!
a deed of kIndness fRom the 3 uncles..
cOnfuSing siGns..
wHich one??
its all about steepness @ this reserve

new shoots...

singaporean innovative way of parking their car when lots become unavailable!

first step to a healthy 2011!

Happy 2011!

Yet the start to another new year!
Happy New Year!

Decided to keep my new year resolution very short so that i can easily remember!

This year, 2011, i have decided that i need to make myself more happy and learn to relax on many many things in life.

So, i will just bring 6 words with me along the next 365 days!
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