Sunday, April 25, 2010

my thOts in mid april

Weekend - finally a time to rest.
We were so tired that we even skipped our Jap classes x2.
This was a really busy week.
We worked practically 20hrs everyday which includes having to carry out delivery tasks after work and stretching all the way till 7am on the worst day.

Can u imagine roaming the streets of Orchard Road, Raffles Place, Tanjong Pagar in the wee hours of the day? The streets are so quiet but full of taxi waiting for their passengers. This is the time where stores start stocking up their goods for the next business day. While most of us are asleep, some are also partying away even on weekday nights. Boat Quay is such a "active" street and we even witness fights that broke out.

A lot of people are motivated by incentives. Especially monetary. When there is no monetary incentives involved, will people talk about relationships? 要找到能供享褔的人很多但當你遇到問題時這群人能和你供患難嗎?

I live in my world. A world which i thought is full of feelings and 人情味。Or so i thought. But is it?
I always thought, if you were to treat someone nice, he/she will reciprocate the goodwill. But is it?
Maybe the world has evolve and the morals in our society have changed a lot over the years.
I grew up in an era whereby teachers were allowed to punish the students when we failed to bring our homework, when we didnt get full marks for test which even includes spelling, or for students that misbehave in class.

I remembered my primary school days, Ms Heng - my form teacher in Peixin Pri from P1 to P3. I was in class 1/8, 2/8 and 3/8. Then, whenever we didnt get 10/10 for our spelling test we would have to be prepared to get canning on the hand from Ms Heng. I remember getting caned on my hands by her ruler every now and then.

In sec school days, i remember Mdm Ho (my chinese teacher) who once threw Shaun's chinese workbook out of the classroom on the 2nd level and landed straight on the garden on the ground floor.

Those were the days isnt it?

Does teachers dare to cane students or even raised their voices these days?
Are students still fearful of their teachers? Or even are they respectful?

I have a uni friend who quit her auditors job and joined the teaching career. She quitted on Day 1 and headed back for auditor's lifestyle. What does it says?

Maybe we are all getting so smart. We are constantly exposed to so many things that people didnt have 10 to 20 years ago. Perhaps the media is really changing the mindset and values of the people.

The society has really changed so much these days. I am so shocked to know that students can scold their teachers and children can sue their parents in such era. What exactly are we teaching our younger generations? It is definitely not the sole-doing of the younger generations these days. Their parents are at fault. 养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰

So sad. The world has changed and is constantly changing.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

[Eat] La Cantina Dining

Saturday night.
Where would you choose to dine?

Our choice ~ La Cantina in Venezia.
From admiralty all the way to changi village hotel.
Its really quite a distance.
But the food is a very huge draw factor!

Introducing our new-found favorite which is the reason why we returned on a Sat night!
Presenting the heavenly dish ~ Parma ham and tomato with burrata!

From Wiki: Burrata is a fresh Italian cheese, made from mozzarella and cream. The outer shell is solid mozzarella while the inside contains both the mozzarella and cream, giving it an unusual soft texture.

We love this dish. According to the restaurant, burrata is specially flown in from Italy on a weekly basis. It arrives in Singapore and get served in their restaurant every Fri, Sat and maybe Sunday depending on the demand.

I am not a tomato lover. Neither a cheese lover.
But i love this dish.

Cut a portion of the tomato, some parma ham and some burrata then dish it into your mouth. Just bite.
I cant describe the taste!
The tad sourness of the tomato, the tad saltness of the parma ham and the slightly creamy and cheesy taste from the burrata - everything just flows and combine itself into a heavenly bite!

We can never get enough of this dish.

Next up, our main course.

Linguine Granchio aka Crab meat linguine for me and Scallop in cream sauce penne for dear.

Tonight, i had my favourite crab meat linguine in black squid ink spaghetti. It's tonight special!
Even though i was quite insistent on going for the normal one but the waiter was really trying so hard to get me to try this dish in black ink squid spaghetti and so i gave in.

It was a nice new attempt. I am a crab lover! and i love this dish for the chunky genuine crab meat that was used. Coupled with the sauce it is cooked in - creamy tomato - i am totally in love with it!
I am a tomato-sauce lover (but not tomato lover) but sometimes the dish simply gets too sour for me to finish the whole dish.
I dont like cream sauce cos its too creamy for me.
So, when i was told this dish was cooked in creamy tomato sauce, you know you got the heavenly combination!

Dear's choice remains to be Scallop in cream sauce penne. He loves the cream sauce being served in La Cantina. Personally i think the cream sauce is a tad too light on the palette. But dear love it! He claims that this is the best cream sauce ever. For the extent that he is loving this dish, i love it too. =p

Ambience wise, i love the alfresco feeling.
Being embraced in the lovely sunset and the sea breeze, everything seems to come to a momentary stop. It washes the tiredness and busyness out of a whole day of activity.
Everytime i am there, i always take the chance to relax and takes deep breathe in the alfresco area while waiting for the food to be served!

So, my verdict (out of 5 stars):
Parma ham and tomato with burrata - 5 stars!
Linguine Granchio aka Crab meat linguine - 5 stars!
Scallop in cream sauce penne - 5 stars!
Alfresco dining ambience - 5 stars!
Service - 4 stars!
Price - 5 stars! (Quite expensive especially since the burrata is specially flown in from Italy!)


Thursday, April 15, 2010

7tH yeaR aNNniverSarY!!

Today marks our 7th year of courtship and togetherness.
Thinking back, we have come a long way from the beginning.
We started this relationship with uncertainty but it grew with time to certainty.

As this was a special day, we decided to try out a new place.
Its so boring to dine at La Cantina every time.

Googled and landed on the recommendation to a french-japan fusion restaurant ~ DOZO!

In gist, the food was delicious, service was excellent, relaxing and pretty romantic ambience. But the portion tends to be a little small sized. Not sure if it was cos we were so busy within the day and missed our lunch thus hunger pang strikes stronger.

The waiter greeted us on our way in, as the corridor was dimly lit, he reminded dear to hold my hands so that i would not fall down. *gentleman thoughts*

We did not get a chance to sit at their private room but was given a table by the window in a 4 table corner. The lights were dim and i relaxed immediately upon sitting down.

We were served with a slim vase of thin noodle sticks, that were deep fried and sprinkled with sesame. I thought it was something new but dear love it a lot. Also up, we were first served with a complimentary "palette cleanser" - a passion fruit like, light drink served in icy shotglass.

Only set dinner was being served here, no ala-carte.

*Starter was fixed. It was the Chef's seasonal platter which consist of scallop, foie gras and smoked salmon. 

*Cold dish - Dear had air flown seasonal sashimi platter. He thought it was heavenly! Especially the one with the roe on top. Dear said it just burst in his mouth when he bites it. I had succulent king crab claw salad drizzled with sesame vinaigrette. I love this. 

*Side dish - Dear had gratinated escargots topped with yuzu butter and i had tempura battered soft shell crab on mash. Escargots was a better choice!

*Soup - Dear had crab bisque and i had mushroom soup with truffle. This was the best mushroom soup ever! most mushroom soup have a very strong taste that will make the taste bud rejects it after a few mouth but this one served at Dozo was heavenly! It makes us craving for more. The crab bisque was more lightly done and was served in something like a coffee cup. It was too light i guess and we couldn't feel the solid crab bisque. For this, i thought the one at Jack's Place taste better.

*Main course - A rack of Lamb shrank and Kurubuta pork cheek. The pork cheek was done so tenderly, soft and tasty.

*Dessert - Chocolate lava cake with a soup spoon of vanilla ice-cream. Gosh! This is so sinful. Luckily it came in a very small serving and without eating the gushing chocolate, we made it through this dessert. It not entirely horrible just that i am not a chocolate person.

*Drink - We both ordered fruity refresher and lemon tea with rose. Nice touch for an ending!

To top it off, we were served with a small cake on a plate that reads "Mr Ong, Happy Birthday!" This caught all of us aback! It was our anniversary date, not dear's birthday. Upon seeing our shocked reaction on our face, the waiter immediately questioned if there was anything wrong. We didnt wanted to but was constantly prompt. So we told him that it was in fact our anniversary date. They apologized proficiently for the mistake and promised to give us another replacement but we told them there isnt a need. 

After the waiter left, we "inspected" the wordings on the plate and realised that this was all prepared in advance as the choco words have all harden. It was a nice thought we thought. But shortly after, the waiter came back with another plate that reads "Happy Anniversary". We thought this was sweet and he even offered to take a picture for us.

Overall, i thought the overall experience was good. We probably had a hard and busy day and our phones were constantly ringing during the meal such that once we finished one course, we were on the phone talking about work again. Perhaps this makes us too tired otherwise we might be able to enjoy the ambience more.

I will definitely go back again to enjoy the whole dining process on a more relaxing day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Holland hello kitty

A surprise pressie from dear..
He bought it and gave it to me when my mood is down!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, April 11, 2010

cOuple retReat

this is a movie that i watched on the plane to japan...

 is a 2009 American comedy film about the struggles of marriage. 

It strikes a cord and makes me want to blog about this movie. 

4 couples went on a retreat to "Eden". While 1 was there to save their marriage, the other 3 went for fun and leisure. Many things happened during the retreat. All the couples including the other 3 couples all saw problems in their relationship during their counseling session with the therapist.

Some of the very meaningful phrases:

1) "Suffocating = Steering in the direction u want."
Are you guilty of this?

2) "Relationship is a 2 way street not a highway"
Did you realise?

3) "We were single and we HAD fun."
A statement made by when one of the guys were seeing the singles party at Eden East. He wanted to have fun with other ladies. And this sentence was made by another married guy REMINDING him that he already had his share of fun.

4) "I want to be married and have people that i can share my life with."
Objective of getting married?

5) "Come together, Stay together"
Resisting the temptations on Eden East.

6) "Shut mind off! Shut partner off?"
Is this how you are feeling when you are tired? And so you shut your mind off? But could u really shut ur partner off?

7) "Make through things together?" or "Celebrate and enjoy life and things as it happens?"
Ponder hard...Which way are you leading your daily life?

8) "Missing out on life! But its happening every now and then!"

9) "Sometimes we forget how to do the easiest thing in the world. Just say ~Hello and ~Hi."
When you thought you have nothing more to say or at times when you dont know what to say!

10) "Before the kids, the house, the job, it was just YOU!"
Reminding the spouse what it was that they began this marriage with.

And finally my top favorite line:

11) "Do you have a cell phone? I want to make a call to God and say that my angel is missing"

Thursday, April 8, 2010

[Eat] cRunchy chEEsy bites frOm piZza hUt

Dinner was pizza tonight. We had to "dine in" cos latio was spent for servicing. The brake engine had spoilt!

We tried something new today!

There was a new flavor Crunchy chessy bites!
The cs lady was eagerly promoting this flavor and was full of description! Saying the new crust would give u a totally new sensation!

We had it in the Hawaii flavor. and was full of anticipation for its arrival!

It came. We tried. And gosh!!
It was really good!
It's totally different from the usual boring crust. The new crunchy cheesy bites pizza is cut around the edges; creating bite-size pieces all around its crust creating a "unique" experience! This is totally as per the cs lady description! By making te crust into smaller petals, it doesn't makes one grow too sick of it too fast!

In addition, these crunchy cheesy bites pizza pieces had crunchy cornflakes on each petal There were cornflakes on each petal and each petal was filled with a blend of Mozzarella, Parmesan and Cheddar cheese! Like the usual cheesy lava crust!


Did you noticed the cheese cup at the right-hand-bottom corner of the picture? It was cheese dip! If you are a cheese lover, dip your bite-size cornflakes crust into them! *Sinfully delicious*

Of cos, there were our usual fav..

Nice dinner!
And finally Pizza Hut did something right and delicious!
Keep up the good work!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, April 3, 2010


today was a first!
we struck 4D starter on dear's car plate...
thanks to the bird shit that dropped on our car!

As such, we went for a sumptuous dinner at Jerry's BBQ & Grill America restaurant..

To start off~

Their most talk-about buffalo wings!
We took a combination of intensi-fire and Chef's challenge!
The Chef's challenge sure was no joke!
Just one bite and it numb my tongue!
PS: You are warned!

Next up, our all time favorite ~ deep-fried mushrooms!
One bite and the juice burst out!
Believe it or not!

Next up, my "main course" ~ caesar salad..

Nice dinner!
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