Thursday, April 15, 2010

7tH yeaR aNNniverSarY!!

Today marks our 7th year of courtship and togetherness.
Thinking back, we have come a long way from the beginning.
We started this relationship with uncertainty but it grew with time to certainty.

As this was a special day, we decided to try out a new place.
Its so boring to dine at La Cantina every time.

Googled and landed on the recommendation to a french-japan fusion restaurant ~ DOZO!

In gist, the food was delicious, service was excellent, relaxing and pretty romantic ambience. But the portion tends to be a little small sized. Not sure if it was cos we were so busy within the day and missed our lunch thus hunger pang strikes stronger.

The waiter greeted us on our way in, as the corridor was dimly lit, he reminded dear to hold my hands so that i would not fall down. *gentleman thoughts*

We did not get a chance to sit at their private room but was given a table by the window in a 4 table corner. The lights were dim and i relaxed immediately upon sitting down.

We were served with a slim vase of thin noodle sticks, that were deep fried and sprinkled with sesame. I thought it was something new but dear love it a lot. Also up, we were first served with a complimentary "palette cleanser" - a passion fruit like, light drink served in icy shotglass.

Only set dinner was being served here, no ala-carte.

*Starter was fixed. It was the Chef's seasonal platter which consist of scallop, foie gras and smoked salmon. 

*Cold dish - Dear had air flown seasonal sashimi platter. He thought it was heavenly! Especially the one with the roe on top. Dear said it just burst in his mouth when he bites it. I had succulent king crab claw salad drizzled with sesame vinaigrette. I love this. 

*Side dish - Dear had gratinated escargots topped with yuzu butter and i had tempura battered soft shell crab on mash. Escargots was a better choice!

*Soup - Dear had crab bisque and i had mushroom soup with truffle. This was the best mushroom soup ever! most mushroom soup have a very strong taste that will make the taste bud rejects it after a few mouth but this one served at Dozo was heavenly! It makes us craving for more. The crab bisque was more lightly done and was served in something like a coffee cup. It was too light i guess and we couldn't feel the solid crab bisque. For this, i thought the one at Jack's Place taste better.

*Main course - A rack of Lamb shrank and Kurubuta pork cheek. The pork cheek was done so tenderly, soft and tasty.

*Dessert - Chocolate lava cake with a soup spoon of vanilla ice-cream. Gosh! This is so sinful. Luckily it came in a very small serving and without eating the gushing chocolate, we made it through this dessert. It not entirely horrible just that i am not a chocolate person.

*Drink - We both ordered fruity refresher and lemon tea with rose. Nice touch for an ending!

To top it off, we were served with a small cake on a plate that reads "Mr Ong, Happy Birthday!" This caught all of us aback! It was our anniversary date, not dear's birthday. Upon seeing our shocked reaction on our face, the waiter immediately questioned if there was anything wrong. We didnt wanted to but was constantly prompt. So we told him that it was in fact our anniversary date. They apologized proficiently for the mistake and promised to give us another replacement but we told them there isnt a need. 

After the waiter left, we "inspected" the wordings on the plate and realised that this was all prepared in advance as the choco words have all harden. It was a nice thought we thought. But shortly after, the waiter came back with another plate that reads "Happy Anniversary". We thought this was sweet and he even offered to take a picture for us.

Overall, i thought the overall experience was good. We probably had a hard and busy day and our phones were constantly ringing during the meal such that once we finished one course, we were on the phone talking about work again. Perhaps this makes us too tired otherwise we might be able to enjoy the ambience more.

I will definitely go back again to enjoy the whole dining process on a more relaxing day.

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