Saturday, September 11, 2010

iphOne 4 invasion!

believe it or not!
11 Sept 10!
one of the rare morning in which i woke up at 7am just to queue for iphone 4 with dear dear!
this was something which dear dear really wanted.
when we arrived minutes before 8am, there was already a queue in place
we were the 25th person in the queue!

Queue o/s comcentre @ 8am!
The demographics of the crowd is so diverse 
It is mainly male with exception of a handful females 
who are probably there to accompany their significant other.
So much on the "death grip" and the other downsides of iphone 4 but its charm remains.

Like what the HTC Taiwan advertisement goes,
"If it is not iphone 4 why do i want it for?"
what did the people at Apple did right?
Obviously there are better phone than iPhone 4 but people are still going crazy over it.
The queue at Singtel shop never cease from the day iPhone 4 releases.
And the great thing about iPhone 4 is almost none of its feature is anything new.
Yet, it makes people go crazy about it.

Seriously I really can't recall when was the last time i queued for something!
and having to do it in the "comfort" of the morning sun was definitely something not to my liking!
but at least i finally reached my quota for vitamin E! 
and thanks to the wonderful invention of brolly =p

daily intake of vit E while waiting in the queue!
around 9am, 2 singtel staffs appeared and started to distribute mineral water to those in the queue, 
aren't they thoughtful?

soon after, the tickets were dispensed and here is our winning lottery number!

queue no 19!!!
a super happy dear dear with his winning lottery!

dear dear with his iphone 4

the power of love and iphone 4!

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