Thursday, October 28, 2010

Too stressed out

There is never exactly enough time to do everything. Have I not been taking good care of myself that I am falling sick again?

Flu.Blocked ears.Giddness

Am I working myself on the road of breaking down?


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Friday, October 22, 2010

[Read] Kiss Heaven Goodbye ~ Tasmina Perry

Book of October!
A hot summer. A private island. A dark secret… On the luxurious private island of Angel Cay, four privileged students toast the end of their exams, but one dark night will change their perfect lives for ever. As the friends move into their glamorous careers – fashion, music, politics – each tries to put the past behind them. But no matter how high their stars climb, they cannot escape the dreadful truth. And when the consequences of that fateful night finally catch up with them, for one of the four, there is a terrible price to be paid… From the sugar-white sands of the Bahamas to Australia’s Coral Sea; from London’s glittering society scene to the lavish decadence of Hollywood, Tasmina Perry travels the world and turns up the heat in her most spectacular novel yet…

What i think:
This must be one of the thickest book i have ever read. 
500 odd pages in all but the reading was easy and capturing in my own opinion.
Page turner - as my hubbie claims!
I was easily lurched into flipping each page and chapter to reveal the story of the 4 priviledged students - Miles Ashford, Grace Ashford, Alex Doyle and Sasha Sinclair. 

The author started off the story by revealing the ending that eventually all 4 of them will have a price to pay, for what happened that night, no matter how successful they will be throughout the story. 

After the incident, the 4 of them couldn't face the truth and thus, they ran away from each other and reality. They did what they can to keep a distance from each other and anything that could relates back to that fateful night.

But just how far could they go?

Is that so with real life? Do anyone ever get away with anything that they shouldnt?
If they are really able to escape, will they ever make peace with their conscious?

I doubt.
Often, such wrong things that you have done, will always cause you not to sleep well.
It will often come back to haunt you in your dreams.

The author illustrates that as well.

As i read on,its the love life that is being depicted in the story that caught me aback.
Is that the social norm?
This reminds me of the show: How i met your mother - Naked Man where there was a scene in which the casts were trying to come up with 50 reasons to sleep with someone other than your true love.
It's really messy.

Nevertheless, the twist at the end of the story marks the best end for the story. It's a little surprising. And i am glad someone found their true love after so many years of searching.

Great book; good read.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nostalgic day ~ revisit to Yishun Central Laksa

Was it age?
Starting to get nostalgic these days.

We visited the Laksa shop at Yishun Central for lunch.
Dishes ordered: Laksa, Popiah and Ice dessert
That was our typical lunch back in Secondary school days.
Together with my classmates.

Those were the days...

♥♥ When it was just 1 shop selling all the 3 items but it seems like there 
was some sort of "分家" over the years and the Popiah uncle and the Laksa uncle are no longer operating in the small shop but next to each other.

♥♥  When we were all still so young and the only worry we have is 
whether we can pass our exams or not.

♥♥  When everything is so simple and worry-free.

Our comfort food in sec sch days

I miss those days eating out with my bestie xiaozhuan...

Monday, October 4, 2010

[Celebrate] Happy 2nd year anniversary (pre) pt 2

Today we headed off to Resort World Sentosa for our pre annversary celebration.

Kit and Kai were doing a performance there. Thou it was a silent performance, 
Kit and Kai managed to engage the audience via their performance and exaggerated performance.
What a nice way to start off the celebration!
Kit & Kai performance @ RWS

I like his expression!

Audience engagement time!

Kit & Kai is probably the only comedy juggling duo in Singapore and they were trained as clowns at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Clown Camp Program, the oldest and biggest clown education program in the world.
For more info, visit

I also managed to do some shopping @ Victoria Secret!!

I love this ~ Sexy little thing!
Isn't the packaging sweet?

Love how pinkish it is.
I also love the scent. <3
it's sweet and sweet!
The box design is also very unique.
Once opened, there is a whistling sound produced. This is totally cool.
Totally match their sales pitch of "sexy little thing!"

Final purchase of a day is their latest edition body mist - plumdrop!
Unlike it's previous edition, this edition gives a powdery feel which is believe to nourish the skin! Geez..
And i must say its really good...this replaces away the baby powder after shower!
Must Buy!

Plumdrop body double mist ~ Moisturing! 

Before dinner, we walked about resort world to explore the different hotels.

After dinner, we went to watch Vovage La Vie. Breathtaking spectacular performance!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

[Celebrate] Happy 2nd year anniversary (pre) pt 1

D.I.N.N.E.R @ Fiesta (Festive Hotel, L3)!!

Part 1 of our wedding anniversary celebration, 
we chose contemporary dinning at Fiesta in Festive Hotel.

Inside Festive restaurant
Inside Festive restaurant
More decors

Nice and simple decor right?

Dinner wise, only set was served with choice selection of either
 2 course light dinner, 3 course dinner or 4 course dinner.

We opt for a 4 course dinner which includes the choice of 
1 soup, 1 appetiser, 1 main course, 2 side dishes and 1 dessert.

#1 - Potato starch bun (very gummy!)
#2 - Broccoli Soup & Their signature Brazilian Black Bean Soup

#3 - Inside their signature Brazilian Black bean soup

#4 - Sauteed Prawns (Warm dish) (ME!)
The prawns are so crunchy and delicious!

#5 - King Crab Salad (Cold dish) (HIM!)

#6 - Side dishes which are all salads
#7 - Pan fried tender lamb chop
(This is the BEST lamb chop, so TENDER!!!)
#8 - Brazilian Mixed Churrasco
(Their signature dish!)
which includes a pork sausage, spring chicken & rib eye
(of coz we had that changed to another piece of spring chicken)

#9 - Chocolate mousse
#10 - Coconut custard

#11 - Cherry Mocktail

#12 - Long Island Tea (my dear dear is bored)

The food serve here is really nice. 
Especially the grilled meat and seafood.
The service staff are also very friendly.
This is really a surprise find as our first choice was to go for buffet at StarZ restaurant.
Will definitely go back again!


Venue: Fiesta (Festive Hotel; L3)
Type: Contemporary Dinner
For reservations: Pls call +65 6577 8899
Pricing: $49++ (4 course dinner) 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

[Read] Dear John ~ Nicholas Sparks

Book of October! 

Just finished another book this morning titled "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks.

Simple. Nice. Romantic.

This story tells of John Tyree- an angry rebel. Growing up in a single family with his dad. His dad was a man of few words and stick by his routine lifestyle. A dad who doesn't shows his affections at all to a son who so longed for it.   His only passion was coin collection and nothing more. They were as different as anything.

Typical family scene and this leads the path to a son who soon live a life of rebel. Not knowing what else to do with his life, he joined the army until he met the girl of his dream - Savannah Lynn Curtis.

Their mutual attractions grows into love. This leaves Savannah vowing to wait for John while he finished his call of duty and John wanting to finish his bond soonest so that he can marry the girl of his dream. Through Savannah, John begins to understand why his dad was a man of few words and emotions. And more so, on his passion for coin collection. Like what she says "The saddest person i have met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all." Through her, he re-connects with his dad.

Yet, 9/11 changes everything. With only 100 days to go before he could leave the service, 9/11 spur him to re-up and the story changes forever.

"Dear John", the letter read. And with these two words, a heart was broken and two lives changes forever.

With Savannah married, John found no other meaning in life and re-upped his service. Until the death of his dad, John returns home and found the courage to visit Savannah - his true love yet a married woman.
Yet, John will discover how love can transform us in ways we never could have imagined.

I like this book and more so the ending which i will not blog about here so that you can buy this book and read till the end. This book has the ability to leave me wanting to read on even after a hectic day of work.

Its amazing to hear people says "I love you" but what does true love really mean?
By loving that person, would you ever hurt her in the name of love?
Or would you wish her happiness.
Doing things that requires your sacrifies yet knowing she will be happy.
I think all these really requires depth.
In any marriage, there is only room enough for 2.

Love and fate may not necessary runs together.
What love has bought about, fate may tear them apart.
Hopefully when cupid strikes, he will bring fate with him as well.

PS: This is the first book i read of Nicholas Sparks and will definitely head off for more of his works.
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