Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nostalgic day ~ revisit to Yishun Central Laksa

Was it age?
Starting to get nostalgic these days.

We visited the Laksa shop at Yishun Central for lunch.
Dishes ordered: Laksa, Popiah and Ice dessert
That was our typical lunch back in Secondary school days.
Together with my classmates.

Those were the days...

♥♥ When it was just 1 shop selling all the 3 items but it seems like there 
was some sort of "分家" over the years and the Popiah uncle and the Laksa uncle are no longer operating in the small shop but next to each other.

♥♥  When we were all still so young and the only worry we have is 
whether we can pass our exams or not.

♥♥  When everything is so simple and worry-free.

Our comfort food in sec sch days

I miss those days eating out with my bestie xiaozhuan...

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