Friday, January 29, 2010

absences makes the heart grows fonder??

We dropped by Seng Kee black chicken herbal soup for a very late dinner today.

I was surprises to see a long queue forming. Upon a closer look, I realized that the queue was meant for the BBQ pork stall next door 'Jin Peng Hiang'. I overheard an auntie saying that someone queued from 3pm to 6pm just to buy the BBQ pork!

*totally amazing*

This store never opens after 6pm daily on normal days. Today it is still opened at 11PM!!

I dun remember this BBQ pork is nice from my purchase last yr.. So was quite surprised by the queue..

Does absences make the heart grown fonder??

Sunday, January 24, 2010

tHere is a 'C' mInor iN us..

From the booking "leaving the world".

Is it really as such?

If so why do some ppl still do things that will hurt others? Today I chanced upon an ugly truth. I hope and I pray that I am wrong. Never for once have I ever wished so strogly that I was wrong.

If what it is the truth, only ugliness lies ahead. An I hate to think that I am sponsoring such activity.

I really hope that there is such a 'C' minor in all of us and that the person wouldn't do something to disappoint all of us...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

a bIG reLief..

Ended the meeting with V on a high note. A sign of relief.
Was prepared for the worst before this.

The road ahead would requires a lot of preparation work.

Relocation would be carried out tomorrow. Praying hard for a smooth transition.

The past 2 weeks have really been very tiring. Yearning badly for a good rest this weekend.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 18, 2010

then and now, so much has changed...

then and now, from straight to perm hair...
from long fringe to short fringe...
from natural color with greyish outgrow to lavendar brown with highlights...

then and now, from a 3,000 sq feet premise to 12,000 sq feet...
from a rented premise to a place we can finally called our own...

then and now, from being a salaried worker to being a "salaried" worker
from single to married...
from north to west..

so much has changed...hasnt it?
but i still yearns to be the little girl i always wanted to be...
to be my mummy's daughter and having my way..

Sunday, January 17, 2010

oN thE tOpic of clOsure..

Yet another moment of reflection...i stumped across a diary written by a daughter whose father has passed on...

Reading through the diary, i thought the chapter on Closure was the grieving...the dying...the living...

How often in times do we carry the baggages of yesterday and move on to today? How many unhappy or painful moments do we have in life that we do not wish to revisit?

Closure requires courage and willingness from both parties...sometimes its really hard to make the first step forward as revisiting these unhappy moments would means experiencing such pain and agony all over again..and also, it takes 2 hand to some, they might feel that they have already moved on in life and that there is not a need...also the whole idea of closure was not important to them...

For those that needs closure, is there a need to carry such baggages for so many years and wait till we are nearing our deathbed to start asking for some form of closures like forgiveness?

While we are all so caught up in the daily activities of life, maybe it would be spend a moment or two for some silent reflection??

From my previous fb entries..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


watashiwa hazel desu.
watashiwa singaporu jin desu.
dozo yoroshiku!

mite kudasai
kite kudasai
kaite kudasai
yonde kudasai
ltte kudasai

i desu
dame desu

wakarimasu ka?
hai, wakarimasu.
ie, wakarimasen


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

i nEed mY saNity!!

these days, its been getting stressful...*stress stress stress*

i need my sanity back!
i hardly have a weekend to enjoy in the weekend that just passed...i see this coming...
all cos of the shift to the new factory...

**so tired**

since last was whole day at the factory..
sat i had to handle the phone calls till 11.30am, rushed to my salon appointment (without breakfast & lunch), then rushed like mad from the salon to my jap class...i was like a mad woman running along the underpath from orchard mrt to wheelock place and dashed across the road like a madder woman just to beat the 17secs green light..all these to reach class by 4.45pm..not forgetting there is a payment to be made! classes lasted for 3 whole hours..the sensei refused to speak a single english..very good! it simply forces us to learn faster and learn japanese since if u lose focus, thats it...u r lost! had my first meal finally at 9.30pm..that was almost 12hrs after i woke up...*sanity imbalance*

sun..a day to rest for most ppl but we woke up at 8am..just to reach factory at 8.30am..we were late and got "shot" by the engineers...can anyone simply understand that we are also human and when was the last time that i had a proper 8 hours of sleep??

mon..first thing that greeted my 1st hr in office was an email from V..the content of the emails were just insane..being unreasonable again..despite our numerous attempts to please them..
the episode continues till today...i need a break honestly..from V..V mentioned u cant have the whole cake...but why am i thinking that he is the greedy one himself? who is demanding to have the whole cake to himself???

if all these is not enough to add on to my lost of sanity, there are tons of filing to be done for the RNs...its been messy and getting messier by the days...i have already lost track as to when was the last time it was in proper order? everyone is chasing me to have a filing system for the RNs but where do i find the time? why cant they just give me a breathing space?? it doesnt help when even the temp staff thinks this is a whole lot of shity business...i am really losing my sanity!  

what is round the corner for me? i really so tired and i cant seems to see where all these will bring me to...

can someone help?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

f1Rst tImez...

It's 2am.. Finally ended a long and hectic day.. Feeling really tired but also very excited!

Been pondering this thought for the longest ever period.. That is to go curl my hair.. Big curls probably..I have been wanting to do it.. But I m scared too.. Ppl says curl hair will make u look matured.. Some said fat.. Oh no! I already got a super round face! Can't afford to have rounder face after curlz! Shall check with Susan tomorrow and seek her advice..if all goes well by tmr night, I will be having the new hairstyle I never had in yrs.. I am so excited but I am still hovering between a "yes-I-shd-do-it" and "hmM-maybe-I-shd-reconsider!"... Yes or no?

Tmr I m attending my first jap class..deAr might not be joining me cos he needs to help out at the new factory..reAlly hope he can join me.. *pls?*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, January 8, 2010

Big biG macHinEries

Today was unstuffing and assembly day!
Our machineries have arrived from japan in a 40 footer and 20 footer container.

The tunnel oven was gigantic! Mere looking at it sends shiver down the spine! How much must our daily scale be?

The guys from Showa put their professionalism and dedication into work. Out from a 40 footer container to the lorry and down the lorry and finally sorting out the various components and placing it in the factory! No wonder ppl says 认真的男人最帅!i am full of praises for these guys! And even more impressive is that they are no longer young yet they are full of energy.

More to be unstuffed!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

haPpineSs...a mOment eacH daY!

again another extract from my fav book "Eat.Pray.Love"...

this is my favorite:

"We search for happiness everywhere, but we are like Tolstoy's fabled beggar who spent his life sitting on a pot of gold, under him the whole time. Your treasure--your perfection--is within you already. But to claim it, you must leave the buy commotion of the mind and abandon the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart."

i shared this quote with hubbie when we went for a jog again last night. when doing the warm-up exercises, i happened to lift my head and saw many many stars! so nice.. how many times have we ever taken a time off our busy schedule to enjoy the night sky? its a luxury just being able to sit down calmly to "mediate" and let loose...

i also embarked on one of my past yr resolution and that is to learn japanese language...enrolled ourselves for lessons every sat evening...its a 3 hours lesson every time..guess that is going to be very "xiong" for us since we have not been studying for so many will it feels like?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"fAitH"...frOm the boOk eAt, pRay, lOve

faIth is belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch

**and so, you feel with your what hubbie says**

Monday, January 4, 2010

recOnnected thRu fB...

its really a very small world out there...

made smaller and more familiar thru fb...

never did i expect my cousin's bf whom i met every CNY to be my sec sch friend...thanks to fb, this mystery was revealed...and i reconnected with a lot of friends whom i have lost contacts with over the years...thinking back, i really regret missing out on them over these years...

it is with no doubt that fb must be one of the greatest network creation! 

Friday, January 1, 2010

haPPy nEw yeaR 2010!

welcome 2010!

2010 was bought in @ Changi Airport T2! we reached there just minutes before the clock strikes twelve! we took pics with the clock reading 00:00. a couple of photos were taken before it reach 00:01 and there was the airport staff all geared up with a professional pg to take their pic but we hijacked them!

we roamed around the airport and played silly games before finally settling down for a cup of coffee. saw cheng at the airport when we are leaving. That was 2am, such a coincidence!  

slept till 11pm on new year day! we gave the house a spring cleaning before heading off to meet the gang for cycling at ecp. we intended to cycle from ecp to changi village for nasi lemak. but due to a twist of events, we drove there instead and cycled just around changi village.

dinner was changed to be at La Cantina in Venezia, Changi Village Hotel. Cos siok and sunny couple were telling us how good the crab linguine was. i wanted nasi lemak actually but since the 2 couples were strongly recommending it, we decided to change our course. 

dear ordered carbonara and i ordered the crab meat linguine. appetitiser was calamari and garlic bread pizza. dessert was tiramisu. 

~crab meat linguine - this was good! it was served in creamy tomato sauce and whole chunk of real crab meat. i am not a cream sauce lover but the combination of cream and tomato sauce is good. but the serving of 1 whole plate proves to be a little over. but trust me ~ IT WAS GOOD! yummy! i will be back for more. be sure to ask for extra serving of pepper! i loving it!

~carbonara - it was a tad too creamy. not comfortable for a non-cream sauce person like me. for hubbie who is a cream sauce lover, its also a bit too blend. 

~calamari - different from the usual. but the sauce was good. 

~garlic bread pizza - me not a garlic lover but i simply love this one. the garlic taste could have been a little bit more. overall still good verdict.

~tiramisu - we bought the whole dish of tiramisu. the waiter says only a bit of rum was added. but as i am allergic to alcohol, this little bit of rum proves to be a little over. but for the rest of the gang who tried it, it was only thumb ups!

we sat in the outdoor open area and it was sure windy. Best part, there is no mosquito! that is always a fear i have when dinning outdoor.  

so we ended the first day of new year with a good and hearty dinner.

happy 2010!

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