Monday, November 22, 2010

Life can be so fragile..

Last weekend was a difficult one.
Instead of being able to laze as usual in my bed, I fought hard to wake up at 7am to rush to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital.

First aunt is being admitted to ICU. What first started as a stone in the liver worsen. Her fever was probably the first sign of an infection but none thought much about it and after visit to the GP, it didn't improve and yet worsen. By the 3rd day, her condition was so bad.

By the time she was sent to the hospital, her condition was so bad that she was admitted to ICU.

Her diagnosis: Blood infection and failing major organs.

Blood infection. It spur off from the infection in her liver. Apparently the condition was so bad that thus infection spread to her blood and causes blood infection. Her diabetics didn't help the condition. It became a multiplier.

Septic shock causes dipping BP and this sparks off a chain of corresponding vicious reaction. One of which is a heart attack.

Doc have given aunt antibiotics but due to the closed circuit of infection, the medication didn't work. Finally an ops was done today, to remove the infection source and hope that the antibiotics will work.

The ops is the first step to recovery.
Hopefully first aunt will find the will and power to fight against the illness.

Life is fragile. The last I saw her on deepavali when we went to pray to grandma, she was still normal. Now she is lying on the ICU bed with machine supporting her.

I recalled someone telling me this- health is something that is precious only after u have lost it.

Start treasuring your health and enjoy of indulgences before it's too late. When u are sick, the whole family suffers.

Praying for da yee, please be strong and recover!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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