Saturday, November 5, 2011

[Holiday] Hong Kong Trip Day 2

Dim sum dim sum!
A must try in any HongKong trip.

Day 2 started with us heading over to Tim Ho Wan (添好运) for breakfast. This is a one star Michelin restaurant accredited for it's dim sum!

As we were not keen on having to queue for 2 hrs at their Mongkok outlet, we headed straight for their 2nd branch which is located at Sham Shui Po. The journey to seek good food is always tedious!

As this 2nd branch is located between 2 MTR station, we thought the easiest way would be to take MTR to the nearest station and continue the short journey over by cab. What happened next totally spoils our lovely Day 2 morning. The cab that we hopped on was super unhappy about our end destination. It was made worst when he knew we were going there for dim sum. In response he scolded us. *faints* Then he drove at the fastest speed his taxi could take him and honked all the way even when there is no obstructing traffic ahead. At a junction, he was honking madly at an elderly couple that was crossing the road. Honestly, this is so uncalled for. By honking, did he really expect the elderly couple to be able to walk faster? If he is not happy about the short distance, he could have jolly well tell us when we showed him the address before we boarded the cab!

The horrendous taxi journey ended when 添好运 signage appears in sight.

Maybe it's the bad taxi experience, we were compensated by a super pleasant surprise at 添好运! There was no queue in sight and we were ushered in almost immediately!

We ordered several dishes namely:
1) Pan fried turnip cake
2) Chee Cheong Fun with pig's liver
3) (Legendary-Must-Try) Baked bun with barbecue pork
4) Deep fried Glutinous Dumplings 咸水角
5) Steamed pork dumplings with shrimp
6) Steamed fresh shrimp dumplings
7) Chicken feet

And when the food was presented, oh man! It was heavenly especially the legendary must try baked char Sau bao! Unlike the typical SG version, this is one with those of polo bun surface and delicious chunky char siew!

Every other dishes were also great. And the best part comes when we were presented with the bill. For 08 dishes and tea for 2, it cost us a mere HK$126 which is approximately S$20! -Really good deal!

By the time we left at 11am, the restaurant is almost full of hungry customer queuing for their turn. It was great that we overslept and reached late at 10am for our dim sum breakfast! We reckon that by 10am, the breakfast crowd is long over and the lunch crowd has not arrive!

After lunch activity was a visit to Lantau island. We took the MTR to Tung Chung and opted for the glass cabin cable car for our ride to Ngong Ping. Via this glass cabin ride, we can see what's beneath us! It was a bit scary at first but eventually it turned out FUN! and worth every bit the price! Personally i think the cable car travels at a high speed!

We had another mango feast at 满记甜品 a dessert shop at Ngong Ping village. I love mango dessert!

After a sinful mango feast, we conquered the 270 steps up Tian Tan Buddha Statue. The weather was a bit hazy today and we couldn't take a clear picture of the Buddha statue. Reaching the top of the Buddha statue really brings about huge satisfaction especially since I am down with stomach flu.

We ventured into the wisdom path, which is quite isolated. It was about 15 mins walk from the Buddha statue. Along the way, we see cows and dung! Haha.

The wisdom path consist of 38 timber columns with inscription of the Heart Sutra. It was arranged to correspond to the topography of the landscape and in the figure of Eight configuration symbolizing infinity.

We lingered around the wisdom path to enjoy the serenity of the surrounding and to bask in the afternoon sun. *so relaxing*

Evening activity was shopping at Citygate factory outlet. But it was so crowded with mainland visitors. And since we didn't enjoy crowded places, we left the place pretty empty handed, save for a coach bag for MIL.

Dinner was at The Spaghetti House. It was nice and price was reasonable.

Day 2 of HongKong trip ended with us feeling tired but satisfied with the good food especially the dim sum that Hong Kong has to offer. However, their hospitality pales greatly in comparison to the Taiwanese. This is proven so by our nasty cab experience.

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