Sunday, November 6, 2011

[Holiday] Hong Kong Trip Day 3

Day 3 of our Hong Kong trip.

It's the 2nd morning straight that we are having dim sum for breakfast! And it's not any random dim sum but dim sum from Tim Ho Wan!

Haha.. That is exactly how crazy we can be when we love a particular food.

Yesterday I made an interesting discovery that Tim Ho Wan has a 3rd branch that is on Hong Kong island itself! The main branch and 2nd branch are on Kowloon and that is quite far away. The 3rd branch is at IFC located near Central (中环) MTR. Actually the shortest way is to alight at Central (中环) MTR and from within the MTR station, located the Hong Kong station. Once u come out of the HK station, u are already in the building where Tim Ho Wan is.

And so, with only a few stops between Causeway Bay and Central, we headed straight for their 3rd branch. Being located in a CBD area and on a Sunday, there was only a small crowd outside Tim Ho Wan. We waited for like less than 30 mins before we were given a seat to enjoy our delicious food.

We ordered almost the same items and yet again the char Siew bao came out TOP! *simply heavenly*

After lunch, we headed up to The Peak. Stupidly someone misguided us and advice us to take a bus up. Hence we miss the tram ride up.

We enjoyed a pre-birthday celebration at Kyo Hachi. It looks like a absolutely atas restaurant. So we ordered a set lunch for 2 pax which cost us HK$498.

The set lunch includes:
1) Green House tomato and vegetable
2) Salmon roe with assorted sushi
3) Pork loin cutlet
4) Baked crab shell
5) Handmade udon in soup
6) Vanilla ice cream

At such a set lunch pricing, I am really disappointed by the food quality. The assorted sushi platter, which is a main course, wasn't up to our expectation at all. The freshness of the raw sashimi isn't there. In fact, I think Sushi Tei will do a better job.

The next main dish - pork loin cutlet was too dry and hard. We couldn't finish it at all.

The only redeemable was the baked crab shell.

Out of boredom, we added coke to our vanilla ice cream and that was the tastiest dish in the meal. This dish saves me from worsening stomach flu.

The peak tram ride descend was really steep and fast! At some "station", it was about 45deg. Really steep!

Evening activity was to take ferry ride over to Tsim Shai Tsui from Star Ferry Piers, Central. It was kinda exciting taking the ferry ride, thou it was a bit bumpy.

By the time we arrived at 7plus, the promenade was already filled with people who has secured a good seating to watch the Symphony of Lights which commence at 8pm. We have heard so much about the Symphony of Lights and that must have rose our expectations. No doubt the whole harbor was brightly lighted, we didn't think it really lived up to the fanfare that was previously heard.

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