Wednesday, December 30, 2009

theRe aRe fOlloWerS fOr dayplUs... = (

feels so sad... today, i was informed that there are look-a-like product available in the market for dayplus natural yeast we went down to do market survey...

when i entered nanyang supermarket in ntu, i was taken aback...the packaging looks pretty similar...they also advertise it as Japanese bun...and selling at $1.20...the packaging look tatter...and of poorer quality...there is no nutrition facts on the packaging and the bread looks hard...

i understand from the shop owner that a lot of customers have bought THAT bread thinking that dayplus natural yeast bread has changed its packaging...most came back feeling disappointed with the purchase only to get clarification from the shopowner that actually its a new product from competitor...

so brillant consumers, let us be wary...

good and original products these days always suffer imitation or rather "followers" problem whenever they become successful...take Oreo biscuits and many many more...sometimes its hard to tell...

as to which of the above bread taste better...the answer goes without saying...

visit dayplus webbie @ for launch of new flavors!

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