Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Da yee is recovering!!!

Received sms-es from xiong, mavis and a phone call from mummy delivering the good news that da yee's condition has improved!

After the ops to remove the source of infection from her body, the antibiotics are finally working for 2 conservative days! *3 cheers*

Even better news, the wind pipe has been removed from her body and she can now breathe on her own! what great news!

Life is so unexpected like what dear said.

Just on Saturday morning, the doctor was telling us that da yee's condition could not have been worst off and that we should all prepared for the worst. Even the turn of the weekend might be a uphill task.

We are counting our blessings!
That God has answered to our prayers and she is finally showing signs of recovery!

Life is really fragile...isn't it?
It really has a lot to do with will and determination.
One moment, you could be up.
The other moment, you could be down.
And the moment can occur very suddenly.

So, why the endless chase for material gains and wasting your life away?

Of cos, no money also die lah.
But if you set your sight and chase endlessly for material gains, what are you actually losing?

Your health.
Your family bonds.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Life can be so fragile..

Last weekend was a difficult one.
Instead of being able to laze as usual in my bed, I fought hard to wake up at 7am to rush to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital.

First aunt is being admitted to ICU. What first started as a stone in the liver worsen. Her fever was probably the first sign of an infection but none thought much about it and after visit to the GP, it didn't improve and yet worsen. By the 3rd day, her condition was so bad.

By the time she was sent to the hospital, her condition was so bad that she was admitted to ICU.

Her diagnosis: Blood infection and failing major organs.

Blood infection. It spur off from the infection in her liver. Apparently the condition was so bad that thus infection spread to her blood and causes blood infection. Her diabetics didn't help the condition. It became a multiplier.

Septic shock causes dipping BP and this sparks off a chain of corresponding vicious reaction. One of which is a heart attack.

Doc have given aunt antibiotics but due to the closed circuit of infection, the medication didn't work. Finally an ops was done today, to remove the infection source and hope that the antibiotics will work.

The ops is the first step to recovery.
Hopefully first aunt will find the will and power to fight against the illness.

Life is fragile. The last I saw her on deepavali when we went to pray to grandma, she was still normal. Now she is lying on the ICU bed with machine supporting her.

I recalled someone telling me this- health is something that is precious only after u have lost it.

Start treasuring your health and enjoy of indulgences before it's too late. When u are sick, the whole family suffers.

Praying for da yee, please be strong and recover!

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

[Eat] Dining @ Kim Gary

Have you been to the Kim Gary Hongkong Cafe @ Vivo?
I remembered my first visit was with my bestie 2 years back!

And after that, it never did tempt me to go back again until today.
One of the reason might be there is no need to queue.
Cos we were there around 5.30pm!

Sauce chicken wing with rice
Luncheon meat with egg instant noodles
Assorted mushroom with cheese
Appetizer wise, we chose assorted mushroom with cheese.
 I was really hoping that this dish would be full of enoki mushroom but no.... =(
There was only a handful and the rest was other mushroom.
It always appear very weird to me, why is it so difficult 
to have a just a pure enoki mushroom dish?
It seems that only a visit to Taiwan night market could 
satisfy our tremendous craving for enoki mushroom!

Well, a dish cooked with cheese can hardly go wrong.
Except for the lack of enoki mushroom, i must say that this dish went down very well with us.
*thumbs up*

Main course, i went for their instant noodle with luncheon meat and egg.
This is better than Xin Wang as the latter is quite tasteless.
But, if you dont hurry up and save your luncheon meat from the soup, it will soon be gone!
Soggy... =(

Dear went for a rice dish with sauce chicken wing.
I took a bite off the chicken wing and its good!

The food is really much better than most HK cafe in Singapore.
Problem is, their ordering is so complicated. 
Instead of having a single piece of ordering form, 
they have many pieces for different types of food like appetizer, main course, etc.
*So environmentally unfriendly!*

When we eventually left the restaurant at 6plus, the crowd are already building up!
As popular as it can get!

Check them out @
No. 1 Harbourfront Walk, #02-128, Vivo City

And of cos, when you are craving for dessert after your main course, head down to Gong Cha for their delicious authentic Royal Milk Tea with Alisan tea base!

**Slurp slurp**

[Eat] Dining @ Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen

I am never a lover for Yong Tou Fu but i love this one.

Presenting Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen!

Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen (since 1994)
Shop interior
Delicious bak chor thick mee hoon

Our yummy selections!
Our yummy selections!
bird eye view!
Sour plum drink
Delicious otah!
Since my ex-colleague introduced this delicious outlet to me, 
i have been going back there whenever i am in the East. 

I love how the shop presented the bak chor thick mee hoon instead of the usual rice as a staple food. 
And the fact that minced meat is added to the noodles give it a nice texture. 
The shop stated that there is no pork or lard so i guess it has to be chicken minced meat.

I am seriously thinking, why exclude PORK?
By stating no pork or lard doesn't make it HALAL.
So why not just cater to the palette of the pork lover?
But well, the boss must have a reason...

Among their niang tou fu selection, a MUST TRY is their cheese sausage! *yummy*
Everything among their selection adds up nicely to a great combination. 
And their selection has a very huge range.
But because its still fried food after all, we still choose a lot of greens..

The Otah is another must try!
This otah consist of prawn and mackerel and i love prawns!
So its ultra-ly delicious!!!
Its really not your typical otah.
Same goes to the pricing which is almost $5 per piece!

So if you think you love this kinda deep fried yong tou fu, please check them out @

Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen
721 East Coast Road
(next to Siglap Centre)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do you think you are pretty?

Read the following somewhere and thought this is SUPER good:
Sharing it with everybody!


A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy?

I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York. My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married?

I wanted to ask:
what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York CityGarden(?), $250k annual income is not enough.

I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:
  1. Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)
  2. Which age group should I target?
  3. Why most wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've met a few girls  who doesn't have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry  rich guys.
  4. How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? My target now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty

Awesome reply:

Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours.
Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor. My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'm not wasting time here.

From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain. Put the details aside, what you're trying to do is an exchange of "beauty" and "money": Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.

However, there's a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worried 10 years later. By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a "trading position". If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term - same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or "leased".

Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in "leasing" services, do contact me...

J.P. Morgan

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Too stressed out

There is never exactly enough time to do everything. Have I not been taking good care of myself that I am falling sick again?

Flu.Blocked ears.Giddness

Am I working myself on the road of breaking down?


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Friday, October 22, 2010

[Read] Kiss Heaven Goodbye ~ Tasmina Perry

Book of October!
A hot summer. A private island. A dark secret… On the luxurious private island of Angel Cay, four privileged students toast the end of their exams, but one dark night will change their perfect lives for ever. As the friends move into their glamorous careers – fashion, music, politics – each tries to put the past behind them. But no matter how high their stars climb, they cannot escape the dreadful truth. And when the consequences of that fateful night finally catch up with them, for one of the four, there is a terrible price to be paid… From the sugar-white sands of the Bahamas to Australia’s Coral Sea; from London’s glittering society scene to the lavish decadence of Hollywood, Tasmina Perry travels the world and turns up the heat in her most spectacular novel yet…

What i think:
This must be one of the thickest book i have ever read. 
500 odd pages in all but the reading was easy and capturing in my own opinion.
Page turner - as my hubbie claims!
I was easily lurched into flipping each page and chapter to reveal the story of the 4 priviledged students - Miles Ashford, Grace Ashford, Alex Doyle and Sasha Sinclair. 

The author started off the story by revealing the ending that eventually all 4 of them will have a price to pay, for what happened that night, no matter how successful they will be throughout the story. 

After the incident, the 4 of them couldn't face the truth and thus, they ran away from each other and reality. They did what they can to keep a distance from each other and anything that could relates back to that fateful night.

But just how far could they go?

Is that so with real life? Do anyone ever get away with anything that they shouldnt?
If they are really able to escape, will they ever make peace with their conscious?

I doubt.
Often, such wrong things that you have done, will always cause you not to sleep well.
It will often come back to haunt you in your dreams.

The author illustrates that as well.

As i read on,its the love life that is being depicted in the story that caught me aback.
Is that the social norm?
This reminds me of the show: How i met your mother - Naked Man where there was a scene in which the casts were trying to come up with 50 reasons to sleep with someone other than your true love.
It's really messy.

Nevertheless, the twist at the end of the story marks the best end for the story. It's a little surprising. And i am glad someone found their true love after so many years of searching.

Great book; good read.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nostalgic day ~ revisit to Yishun Central Laksa

Was it age?
Starting to get nostalgic these days.

We visited the Laksa shop at Yishun Central for lunch.
Dishes ordered: Laksa, Popiah and Ice dessert
That was our typical lunch back in Secondary school days.
Together with my classmates.

Those were the days...

♥♥ When it was just 1 shop selling all the 3 items but it seems like there 
was some sort of "分家" over the years and the Popiah uncle and the Laksa uncle are no longer operating in the small shop but next to each other.

♥♥  When we were all still so young and the only worry we have is 
whether we can pass our exams or not.

♥♥  When everything is so simple and worry-free.

Our comfort food in sec sch days

I miss those days eating out with my bestie xiaozhuan...

Monday, October 4, 2010

[Celebrate] Happy 2nd year anniversary (pre) pt 2

Today we headed off to Resort World Sentosa for our pre annversary celebration.

Kit and Kai were doing a performance there. Thou it was a silent performance, 
Kit and Kai managed to engage the audience via their performance and exaggerated performance.
What a nice way to start off the celebration!
Kit & Kai performance @ RWS

I like his expression!

Audience engagement time!

Kit & Kai is probably the only comedy juggling duo in Singapore and they were trained as clowns at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Clown Camp Program, the oldest and biggest clown education program in the world.
For more info, visit

I also managed to do some shopping @ Victoria Secret!!

I love this ~ Sexy little thing!
Isn't the packaging sweet?

Love how pinkish it is.
I also love the scent. <3
it's sweet and sweet!
The box design is also very unique.
Once opened, there is a whistling sound produced. This is totally cool.
Totally match their sales pitch of "sexy little thing!"

Final purchase of a day is their latest edition body mist - plumdrop!
Unlike it's previous edition, this edition gives a powdery feel which is believe to nourish the skin! Geez..
And i must say its really good...this replaces away the baby powder after shower!
Must Buy!

Plumdrop body double mist ~ Moisturing! 

Before dinner, we walked about resort world to explore the different hotels.

After dinner, we went to watch Vovage La Vie. Breathtaking spectacular performance!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

[Celebrate] Happy 2nd year anniversary (pre) pt 1

D.I.N.N.E.R @ Fiesta (Festive Hotel, L3)!!

Part 1 of our wedding anniversary celebration, 
we chose contemporary dinning at Fiesta in Festive Hotel.

Inside Festive restaurant
Inside Festive restaurant
More decors

Nice and simple decor right?

Dinner wise, only set was served with choice selection of either
 2 course light dinner, 3 course dinner or 4 course dinner.

We opt for a 4 course dinner which includes the choice of 
1 soup, 1 appetiser, 1 main course, 2 side dishes and 1 dessert.

#1 - Potato starch bun (very gummy!)
#2 - Broccoli Soup & Their signature Brazilian Black Bean Soup

#3 - Inside their signature Brazilian Black bean soup

#4 - Sauteed Prawns (Warm dish) (ME!)
The prawns are so crunchy and delicious!

#5 - King Crab Salad (Cold dish) (HIM!)

#6 - Side dishes which are all salads
#7 - Pan fried tender lamb chop
(This is the BEST lamb chop, so TENDER!!!)
#8 - Brazilian Mixed Churrasco
(Their signature dish!)
which includes a pork sausage, spring chicken & rib eye
(of coz we had that changed to another piece of spring chicken)

#9 - Chocolate mousse
#10 - Coconut custard

#11 - Cherry Mocktail

#12 - Long Island Tea (my dear dear is bored)

The food serve here is really nice. 
Especially the grilled meat and seafood.
The service staff are also very friendly.
This is really a surprise find as our first choice was to go for buffet at StarZ restaurant.
Will definitely go back again!


Venue: Fiesta (Festive Hotel; L3)
Type: Contemporary Dinner
For reservations: Pls call +65 6577 8899
Pricing: $49++ (4 course dinner) 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

[Read] Dear John ~ Nicholas Sparks

Book of October! 

Just finished another book this morning titled "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks.

Simple. Nice. Romantic.

This story tells of John Tyree- an angry rebel. Growing up in a single family with his dad. His dad was a man of few words and stick by his routine lifestyle. A dad who doesn't shows his affections at all to a son who so longed for it.   His only passion was coin collection and nothing more. They were as different as anything.

Typical family scene and this leads the path to a son who soon live a life of rebel. Not knowing what else to do with his life, he joined the army until he met the girl of his dream - Savannah Lynn Curtis.

Their mutual attractions grows into love. This leaves Savannah vowing to wait for John while he finished his call of duty and John wanting to finish his bond soonest so that he can marry the girl of his dream. Through Savannah, John begins to understand why his dad was a man of few words and emotions. And more so, on his passion for coin collection. Like what she says "The saddest person i have met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all." Through her, he re-connects with his dad.

Yet, 9/11 changes everything. With only 100 days to go before he could leave the service, 9/11 spur him to re-up and the story changes forever.

"Dear John", the letter read. And with these two words, a heart was broken and two lives changes forever.

With Savannah married, John found no other meaning in life and re-upped his service. Until the death of his dad, John returns home and found the courage to visit Savannah - his true love yet a married woman.
Yet, John will discover how love can transform us in ways we never could have imagined.

I like this book and more so the ending which i will not blog about here so that you can buy this book and read till the end. This book has the ability to leave me wanting to read on even after a hectic day of work.

Its amazing to hear people says "I love you" but what does true love really mean?
By loving that person, would you ever hurt her in the name of love?
Or would you wish her happiness.
Doing things that requires your sacrifies yet knowing she will be happy.
I think all these really requires depth.
In any marriage, there is only room enough for 2.

Love and fate may not necessary runs together.
What love has bought about, fate may tear them apart.
Hopefully when cupid strikes, he will bring fate with him as well.

PS: This is the first book i read of Nicholas Sparks and will definitely head off for more of his works.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



An answer to the question that I have been having.

Or is it?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello Kitty Lucky Dip ~ Sept 10

This must be one of the most anticipated time of the month.
Its the Hello Kitty lucky dip again!

This month, i won the 2nd top prize which is the Hello Kitty memory pillow.

2nd prize ~ Memory pillow

Must be my month!

Other gifts to the collections...

Adding on to my existing collections...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

fOodie tRip!

After the much positive reviews about the Balestier "Founders Bak Kut Teh", 
we decided to try it out this Sunday afternoon.

We arrived at 2pm and joined the queue of 5 people. 
Perhaps its already after-lunch hours, the queue was moving very fast and 
we were seated within 10 mins and the food was served pretty shortly.

Food ordered was:
1) Bak Kut Teh - The meat was very lean, making me wonder "where are the fats?" Maybe because of the absence of the fats, it makes the meat texture abit tough. The soup was quite peppery -abit too spicy for my stomach and leaves a burning aftertaste on the tongue. 

2) Mixed innards - Consisting of kidney, liver and small intestine. Surprisingly, this dish is much better than the legendary bak kut. The innards are cooked just nice, tender and soft. This really requires skills!

3) Preserved Vegetables or "Mei Cai" - Yummy with enough doze of chopped garlic

4) You Tiao 

Overall, it taste good but both of us couldnt really tell where is the "wow" factor. I wouldn't mind going back again but definitely not if i have to queue for half an hour.

We headed off for some shopping on aquarium pump before going to Square 2 for Gong Cha.

Gong Cha @ Square 2

Gong Cha @ Square 2 was tugged away in the deserted corner. Unlike KOI, there was no queue and business was pretty brisk on a sunday afternoon.
We ordered Ali Shan Milk Tea & Black Milk Tea.
Unlike other brand, Gong Cha milk tea comes with a layer of frothy milk cream on top and there is even an instruction on how best to consume this drink!


I absolutely love it at the very first taste!
The Ali Shan Milk Tea was really good.
The frothy milk cream taste a bit salty and creamy and
it brings off the sweetness of the tea in the 1st mouth.
I love the first way of drinking the tea so much that i finished half the cup in such manners.
It would really be good if we have enough time to really sit down and sample the drink.

However, one man meat is another man poison.
Dear doesn't really like it as he thinks its too milky.

Dear also observe bit similarity between Happy Lemon Green Tea with Salt and Cheese where both has the frothy stuffs on top. Hmm...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby Shower gift for Judd

For baby Judd!

Congratulations for to cousin Huihui and Alvin!

From Chateau de Sable

Rompers for baby Judd

Sunday, September 12, 2010

KOI bubble Tea ~ yet again

Left: Cacao Barry with pearls
Right: Grass Jelly Milk Tea
Have you tried it yet?
We dropped by TPY Koi after dinner today.
For a change, we tried the cacoa barry instead of 2 grass jelly milk tea

I like the TPY branch as the queue is always reasonable and
the milk tea taste good.
And the Cacao Barry is really nice
if you are a strong chocolate lover!

I seriously wonder, what is the amazing draw of KOI???
The queue @ their AMK branch is always "amazing"!
No matter when, the queue is never ending.
What is so great about KOI?
Is it a craze or is it the drink?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

iphOne 4 invasion!

believe it or not!
11 Sept 10!
one of the rare morning in which i woke up at 7am just to queue for iphone 4 with dear dear!
this was something which dear dear really wanted.
when we arrived minutes before 8am, there was already a queue in place
we were the 25th person in the queue!

Queue o/s comcentre @ 8am!
The demographics of the crowd is so diverse 
It is mainly male with exception of a handful females 
who are probably there to accompany their significant other.
So much on the "death grip" and the other downsides of iphone 4 but its charm remains.

Like what the HTC Taiwan advertisement goes,
"If it is not iphone 4 why do i want it for?"
what did the people at Apple did right?
Obviously there are better phone than iPhone 4 but people are still going crazy over it.
The queue at Singtel shop never cease from the day iPhone 4 releases.
And the great thing about iPhone 4 is almost none of its feature is anything new.
Yet, it makes people go crazy about it.

Seriously I really can't recall when was the last time i queued for something!
and having to do it in the "comfort" of the morning sun was definitely something not to my liking!
but at least i finally reached my quota for vitamin E! 
and thanks to the wonderful invention of brolly =p

daily intake of vit E while waiting in the queue!
around 9am, 2 singtel staffs appeared and started to distribute mineral water to those in the queue, 
aren't they thoughtful?

soon after, the tickets were dispensed and here is our winning lottery number!

queue no 19!!!
a super happy dear dear with his winning lottery!

dear dear with his iphone 4

the power of love and iphone 4!

Friday, September 10, 2010

10 Sept 10 oUting

happy hari raya!
we woke up early in our attempt to queue for iphone 4!
but when we arrived at comcentre at 11am, there was a long queue and within minutes, we were informed that iphone 4 has been sold out!
*sad dear dear*

hence, we headed to our fav coffee joint TCC for a slow start to the day!
TCC @ raffles place has always been my favourite especially with the bean bag sofa.
the best part this morning was, its a P.H so raffles place is so quiet and we could enjoy our morning reading accompanied by good coffee and food!

second half of the day was simply shopping,
bought a few things and took some time off to do the things that i have been thinking of doing for quite some time..
we dropped by ION food hall and it was really amazing...
unlike typical food hall, ION have a lot more to offer with names we are familiar yet wouldn't expect  them to set up stores here: 
*Lim Chee Guan (yes! its the bak gua whereby ppl go crazy during CNY)
 *Awfully Chocolate (HEI ice cream...*yummy*), 
*Each-a-cup (it even offer PREMIUM range @ ION store),
*Yami Yogurt (my favourite!)

and newbies like:
*Tsukiji Gindaco (Delicious Takoyaki with egg mayo topping! I think this was the one i saw in Ueno!)
*Modern Peking Duck (this is one business owner with good money brains! the 2 dishes offered here is duck crepe or roasted pig crepe and these 2 dishes have been around for the longest time ever yet there is still a queue cos the boss managed to convert what used to be a premium restaurant dish into a commoner food! *Thumbs up*)
*Happy Lemon (it offers weird drinks like green tea with salt and cheese!)

Fr Happy Lemon: Green Tea with salt and cheese

Fr Happy Lemon: Lemon Yogurt with Aloe Vera

Their numbering tag which is rather environmentally friendly!

The reverse side is their Happy Lemon logo!

Interesting drink!
Their variety is so untypical of a bubble tea shop and this makes ordering difficult.
We choose their house recommendation and i must say green tea with salt and cheese is worth a first try.
So the next time you are sick of the traditional bubble tea, you know where to get innovative!

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