Saturday, August 27, 2011

[fun] My 1st attempt @ French Braide

I have been wanting to do French Braide for the longest time ever and today cousin Ella taught me so!

After being "enlighten" by Ella, I tried my hands on it during the journey home.

I must say I am quite satisfied with the result from my first attempt! Somehow it seems easy and do-able when you don't want to do it and un-do-able when you want to do it well.

*thumbs up*

In return, I taught Ella a simple half hairdo.

What a hair fun day!

Monday, August 22, 2011

[BBDC] TP test.. d agOny of waitiNg!

Just how long does it takes to book for your Traffic Police Class 3A test?

See below:

#1: On 21 aUg afternoon

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

[BBDC] mY dRiving exPerience @ BBDC (leSson 25)

25th lesson:
Stage 5

And finally, my "last" practical lesson before i can officially book for my TP test!

I arrived 15 minutes ahead of lesson as i wanted to calm down before my test. When i am late, i get so tensed up and always perform badly. Since today is my "last" practical lesson, i wanted to perform to my max. As usual, its lottery time when i scanned my nric to get my car number. My eyes nearly popped out when i see the number. It's not the usual 11X! Instead, i got car 132 and the waiting area is C!?!??


I have already booked this lesson way ahead just like the rest of my previous schedule and why is it that for the last lesson i am not allocated an instructor from my group? *so upset*

Saturday, August 20, 2011

[BBDC] mY dRiving exPerience @ BBDC (leSson 24)

24th lesson:
Stage 4.4: Review for test route 5 & 6

Countdown final 2nd lesson before I can book my TP test.

I was late again today as I didn't managed to book a cab. When I reached BBDC, I was running all the way to waiting area E. I couldn't find 113 and a few instructors have to help me find the car. Only to realized Mr Pang has already shifted the car and I just ran pass it when I crossed the zebra crossing. *pengz*

Today Mr Pang took me for the lesson and we covered test route 5 & 6.

[Eat] dim sUm @ victOr's kitChen

when i started this blog, i make it a point never to give negative review about any eateries or products. but today I must for this must be one of the most horrendous dining experience in 2011!

Venue: VictOr's kitchen @ sunshine plaza.

Time: 3pm on Saturday afternoon

Food: We ordered the typical dim sum types like prawn dumplings, siew mai, Chee Cheong fun, chicken feet, pork ribs and their so-called renowned XO sauce carrot cake.

Friday, August 19, 2011

[BBDC] dRiving stimUlator!!!

traffic @ bukit batok area was SOOoooo bad today after work! we were stuck in the jam for a happy 20 mins that usually took 5mins!

so we had to gobble down our dinner before driving to BBDC for the driving stimulator lesson. this time I was LATE! very late till when I printed the allocation slip, the screen showed message that the lesson has already commenced!

I thought I will be the only one around for this lesson but it turn out that there is another girl. was utterly paiseh that she and the instructor were waiting for me.

Cause I was late, I volunteered to go "last" when the instructor asked who wanted to start off the driving stimulator first. I felt this was a way to say sorry for being late and thus shouldn't continue to let the girl wait. But it turned out to be wrongly interpreted. *gosh*

And so, the girl started first and she was to perform E-brake. She was good! But when the lorry came out, she couldn't avoid but still the instructor says her reaction is good enough! I think so too.
Next she was to cruise on the road. The traffic is really crazy and cars just zoom out here and there! She got through it smoothly thou!

Next, it was my turn.

1st: The instructor put me on "following distance". I reacted slightly in the 1sec following time as compared to the 2sec trial. But that was pretty much the best of my performance.

2nd: To demonstrate the effect of centrifugal force, I was to drive at high speed around a bend. When I failed to increase my speed initially the instructor was urging me to hurry up otherwise I will end up doing many rounds like this. So once I speeded up, my car "knocked" on the trees.

3rd: Driving on the road. This was bad! I had a total of 5 "accidents" during the stimulation game. *faints*

To show the extreme effects, my instructor even asked me to "let go" of my previous accident and focused on the road now. Who knows? Just after he said that, I "kanna" again..

At one point, the instructor has to "remove" the mock up car by the pavement just to make sure I got through it. Isn't that bad enough?

It was so paiseh. P
aiseh to the max!!!
And the best part is that we are not alone. When I turned back, I saw the girl whatapps-ing, probably telling her friend how terrible I was!

I just can't get used to the visual appearing on the stimulator and the steering wheel was so tight. It feels so unreal. I just got dizzy simply by looking at the screen. I think this whole idea about a driving stimulator is dumb. And to think it's a prerequisite.

If my group instructors know of my performance today, I am sure going to be dead meat!

If this is actual driving, then I am also dead meat!


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Sunday, August 14, 2011

[BBDC] mY dRiving exPerience @ BBDC (leSson 23)

23rd lesson:
Stage 4.3: Review

I woke up at 8plus and snooze 1hr away.

Yesterday I have cancelled my 1st Sunday morning class which commenced at 9.20am after calculating the "risks" involved. With only 1/4 chances of success, I rather bid for next week when my chances of success is 3/4!

Before lesson starts, we went 373 for breakfast! Finally my favorite breakfast on a relax Sunday morning. It sure perks up my day!

favOurite bfaSt tO staRt thE daY!

I arrived ahead of lesson today. Honestly, there is no reason to be late especially since it is a 11.30am lesson.
I was really hoping I will get that 1/4 chance of getting KS as my instructor but alias! One look at the number and I saw I have "lost".

The weather is yet again scorching hot. Look how bright & sunny it is:

befOre the bell rIngs...

Lesson 4.3 begins and I know this instructor is fierce and so I told myself that I have to be on my toes for the lesson. I want to show her how well I have improved since her last U-turn class. Don't want her to look down on me.

I would say my circuit performance is quite well done today. Verified by my instructor. All thanks to KS for his patient teaching!

However, this instructor doesn't like my "S" course.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

[BBDC] mY dRiving expeRience @BBDC

22nd & 23rd lesson:
Topic: Stage 4

The weather today is really warm. The sun is also scorching hot! Such a big contrast to last week weather!

Today is the start of my revision classes for the test routes. I got a new instructor again. The last one from my group. He is also a very stern guy.

Before the lesson started, I saw the skillful instructor from my previous parking classes.

In the circuit today, I ramp up and knocked down the pole again. I think this pisses off my instructor. He says I got bad control of the car. Not braking hard enough.

During parallel parking, I strike 1 kerb and there goes 10pts! *Ouch* On the second attempt, I did just well.

Somewhere in the circuit, I keep forgetting to return the steering to original position after the full lock! *must remember ar!*

Out on the road, my fatality is lane change. I think the instructor wasn't too happy with my performance.

It didn't help that Ms "J" called and gave me attitude during the 30mins break time and absolutely spoilt my mood! Honestly, there is not a need for such behavior mah! Cannot talk more friendly mah? If I didn't acknowledge the content of your email how come you can assume I have read and will deliver what you wanted? *ridiculous*

Haiz.. My mood swings downwards like a "sine" curve again after today lesson.. This instructor hinted that i shouldn't be at such standard given i am stage 4 already. Oops.. With 3 remaining review classes, if my mood don't swing upwards, How am I going to pass my TP test?


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Sunday, August 7, 2011

[BBDC] my dRiving expeRience @BBDC (leSson 20 & 21)

20th & 21st session: Sunday
Topic: E-brake, 3 pt turn & stage 3 review

For once, I woke up before 8am and was tossing around in the bed waiting for the alarm to go off.

The sky is threatening to have a heavy pour down! The lightning keeps flashing and thunder keeps rocking the sky! A super heavy thunderstorm is approaching!

It finally pour down when we were having breakfast at 373. The rain was so heavy and make me late for class again. it didn't help with me feeling feverish in the superb cold and wet weather.

My instructor for today is KS again. Due to the heavy rain, the instructors were already driving around in the cars waiting for trainees like us.

KS is a very stern instructor and he tolerates no nonsense. I am always on my toes during his classes.

Despite the super heavy rain, he actually slapped the dashboard and I have to perform E-brake. He did it not once but four times during the whole rainy lesson! Prior to the lesson, i was still commenting to zh that no instructors would probably do E-brake today since the rain is so heavy. So i was quite surprised when he actually slapped the dashboard. I think he must be one of the few daring instructors around!

KS also took me on my stage 3 review class, and he spent a lot of time explaining on the various circuit courses. What I thought I could comprehend previously, I couldn't do it today. I keep missing out on certain steps. He emphasised that it is very important to remember the critical steps and throw away the non-critical ones. Not once would he ever give me the answer to my missing step(s) and he would make sure that i were to recap it on my own. When i try my best to think what i have missed out, it is indeed a very pressuring and scary experience. It is the same feeling when mummy have to force me to study in the past. Only difference is, i am really trying my best now. He believed that only via this method would i be able to remember it forever. He's right! No spoon-feeding.

I thought vertical parking was easy but today review class prove me wrong. I keep missing out on the steps. And my estimation is inaccurate as to when i should start turning. It seems like when i succeed previously, it was by chance.

Parallel parking is always known to be the killer for circuit lessons. The first sighting point for turning occurs when the wheel is one-wheel away from the crack line. But honestly, how to measure and gauge when you are in the car? Sitting at different position we have different sighting point, and so, it was difficult to estimate. KS allows me to do it on my own for the first few times and when i didn't perform well enough, he make sure that i stepped out of the car and visualise for myself the difference between the-distance-of-what-i-see-inside-the-car and what is the-actual-distance-when-i-am-outside-the-car. I think this really helps.

It was still raining so heavily when the lesson ended and I saw my favorite instructor. He is not taking me for the next lesson thou.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

[BBDC] mY dRiving expeRience @BBDC (leSson 18 &19)

18th session: Saturday
Topic: Parallel parking and Slope

Yet another Saturday!
Been in so much anticipation of driving classes especially after a busy and headache week @ work!

I am officially late today.
Cars have started to come out as I just entered the carpark.

ZH says it's a standard routine. Wake up at 8.45am, wash up change and hop on at 9.05am. Eat my favorite happy bun on car while rushing my laogong to drive fast fast. Haiz..

I scanned my Nric and got 108!
A NEW number!
I dashed to the carpark but I couldn't spot my car! When I spotted the car, I couldn't see the instructor. Then he appeared! He was asking me not to ganCheong and slowly catch my breath.

He was Mr Lee. I was determined to pass my parallel parking today after last week delay. There is really many steps to remember for parallel parking and it is really tough. Mr Lee was very patient in teaching me. Even thou I managed to get my car into the lot, it was very near the edge. Really need more practice.

Slope was part of today course as well. Not too difficult save for the part whereby I need to do a right turn onto the slope. Somehow I feel a bit jelly about right turn. Sometimes I just don't know when is the time to turn.

Mr Lee also took some time and demonstrate vertical parking. He is amazing. He can demonstrate both vertical and parallel parking with just one hand! Super steady.

As usual this lesson ended slightly later as Mr Lee was taking time to show me vertical parking. So *paiseh* to be "eating" into his lunch break!

Till the next lesson!

19th session: Saturday
Topic: Vertical parking and Pole

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